"Méltósággal öregedni: A stresszkezelés művészete és a rugalmasság épí
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"Méltósággal öregedni: A stresszkezelés művészete és a rugalmasság építése"

By Max Cerquetti 2023. július 02.

In a world often teeming with turmoil, from natural disasters to economic uncertainties, stress has become an inseparable part of our lives. What's alarming is the fact that chronic exposure to stress not only disturbs our peace of mind, but also contributes to aging and major health problems like heart disease and stroke.

Often, it's impossible to eliminate the stressors around us. What's feasible, however, is adjusting our perception and building resilience towards these stressors. This article illuminates the latest research on stress management and presents an assortment of techniques to help cope with stressful situations, underlining its significance in enhancing longevity.

Stress is an automatic physical response to any situation that necessitates adaptation or change. This response, governed by stress hormones, triggers various physiological changes, a complex process that was pioneered by Harvard physiologist Walter B. Cannon a century ago. He discovered the "fight-or-flight" response, a reaction that we are all too familiar with. When confronted with stress, our heart rate soars, muscles tense, and breathing hastens.

Delving into the inner workings of the stress response reveals a complex interplay involving our brain, autonomic nervous system, and a cascade of hormones, including adrenaline. When faced with a threat, these hormones, in conjunction with the autonomic nervous system, prepare our body to either fight or flee. While this response can be lifesaving during immediate danger, chronic activation can take a toll on our health and accelerate aging.

Contrary to earlier beliefs, the stress response often remains activated for an extended period, especially in our fast-paced society where stressors come one after another. This constant activation can result in persistent inflammation and other damaging effects on our bodies, underscoring the importance of stress management.

While stress is often viewed in a negative light, it's important to note that short-term stress can be beneficial. It can fuel people to perform extraordinary feats in times of urgent tasks or physical danger. This "good" stress or eustress can help overcome obstacles and contribute to higher performance levels. However, ongoing or excessive stress, termed "distress," can hamper the ability to adapt and cope, leading to a decline in performance and health.

Despite this, some individuals thrive on stress. These individuals, often characterized by their sense of control, commitment, and strong social support, are termed as resilient. They demonstrate how stress can be managed effectively to yield positive outcomes.


How stress can be managed effectively to yield positive outcomes

However, chronic stress, where the body's stress response is maladaptive, can lead to significant health problems such as high blood pressure. It's essential to identify these sources of stress and manage them effectively to mitigate the potential negative impacts on our health and aging.

The key to managing stress and aging gracefully lies in developing resilience and techniques to elicit the relaxation response, the polar opposite of the stress response. Through regular practice, we can restore balance and enhance our well-being. As we navigate through life's stressors, let's remember that not all stress is bad. With effective management, we can turn stress into a powerful tool for growth and longevity.


Harnessing the Power of Stress Management: A Key to Healthy Aging and Cardiovascular Well-being


Scientific studies debunk the idea that practices like meditation are ineffective for stress reduction, showing they have a profound influence on gene activity, thereby positively impacting physical health. Chronic stress can negatively affect health by increasing blood pressure, impacting the heart, and contributing to diseases like diabetes and asthma. It could even expedite aging. Conversely, people who manage stress effectively tend to enjoy better health.

Research from 2008 onwards, conducted at institutions like the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine, UCLA, and the University of Miami, reveals that the relaxation response, elicited through practices like meditation, can change the activity of certain genes in ways that enhance health. The response reduces the activity of genes linked with chronic inflammation, believed to contribute to chronic ailments such as heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and diabetes. Simultaneously, it enhances the activity of genes associated with beneficial functions like energy use, insulin sensitivity, maintenance of telomeres, and the functions of mitochondria, which could help the body counter oxidative stress.

Studies with two groups of people, long-term practitioners of relaxation response techniques, and novices, showed significant changes in gene activity after eight weeks of training. The need to elicit the relaxation response regularly was emphasized for beneficial changes to persist. Similar changes have been observed in people using these techniques to treat stress-related illnesses, with positive effects on health, including blood pressure reductions and improvements in pain ratings and quality of life.

Chronic stress contributes significantly to cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attacks, high blood pressure, and various abnormal heart rhythms. Psychological and social factors such as depression, anxiety, anger, loneliness, and challenges related to work, family, and finances play a part. Observations post the 9/11 terrorist attacks showed those with high stress levels had a higher likelihood of developing high blood pressure and other heart problems. Chronic stress can increase unhealthy LDL cholesterol levels, raise blood pressure, make blood clots more likely, and cause chronic inflammation, all of which contribute to heart disease.

A study in 2017 revealed that heightened activity in the brain's fear center, the amygdala, can increase heart attack risk by triggering a series of events leading to inflammation and the release of white blood cells. These findings emphasize the importance of stress management for cardiovascular health.

Research also suggests that managing stress might help slow aging by maintaining the length of telomeres, protective structures on chromosome ends, which shorten with each cell generation. Stress seems to accelerate this process, with high-stress individuals often having shorter telomeres. A pilot study showed that adopting a low-fat diet, exercise, stress reduction, and social support program could increase telomere length by 10%, thus potentially delaying aging.


Potential of Stress Management in Cardiac Health and Rehabilitation

Stress management has been found to be beneficial in heart disease studies. Research examined the Cardiac Wellness Program of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine and the Dr. Dean Ornish Program for Reversing Heart Disease. These programs aim to improve heart health through lifestyle changes like stress management, exercise, and nutritional counseling. After a three-year study, participants in both programs showed significant improvements in health, including weight loss, reduced blood pressure levels, better cholesterol levels, and enhanced psychological wellbeing. Participants also reported improved cardiac function, and those in the Benson-Henry program had lower death rates and were less likely to be hospitalized for heart issues compared to controls.

Stress management was also found to boost the benefits of cardiac rehabilitation for patients recovering from heart attack or heart surgery. Patients who incorporated stress management into their rehabilitation had an 18% rate of cardiac events, compared to 33% for standard rehabilitation and 47% for non-participants. Mindfulness-based stress reduction programs also showed promise in improving depression, stress, and anxiety in heart attack survivors. The evidence suggests that incorporating mind-body approaches to reduce stress can enhance the effectiveness of traditional cardiac rehabilitation.


Meditation and other stress reduction techniques can offer substantial health benefits, counteracting the harmful effects of chronic stress on physical health and potentially slowing the aging process. Chronic stress can cause various health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and accelerated aging. However, regular practice of stress management techniques can counteract these effects, contributing to improved health outcomes. Research has shown that these practices can influence gene activity related to inflammation and cell health, and may even contribute to the slowing of the aging process by maintaining telomere length.

In the context of cardiovascular disease, stress can contribute significantly to the development of various conditions, with effects ranging from increased levels of unhealthy cholesterol to chronic inflammation. However, stress management techniques have been shown to improve health outcomes in patients with heart disease, potentially improving cardiac function and reducing the incidence of cardiac events.

Overall, the evidence suggests that stress management techniques can provide significant health benefits. These benefits not only counteract the detrimental impacts of chronic stress on physical health but also contribute to improved mental health. The regular practice of these techniques is key, with a "dose-response" effect indicating that the more frequently and consistently they are used, the greater the benefits. These findings underline the importance of stress management as a valuable tool in maintaining and enhancing overall health and wellbeing.


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