Nutriop Longevity® Pure-NMN 烟酰胺单核苷酸极效 500 毫克胶囊 (x60) - 30 克
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Nutriop Longevity® Pure-NMN 烟酰胺单核苷酸极效 500 毫克胶囊 (x60) - 30 克

€ 89.00
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Nutriop Longevity® Pure-NMN 烟酰胺单核苷酸极效 500 毫克胶囊 (x60) - 30 克

€ 89.00
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该化合物是NMN - 烟酰胺单核苷酸。

根据 2011 年的一项研究,多达 45% 的美国民众表示感到疲倦。




随着年龄的增长,我们的烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸 (NAD+) 水平会受到影响。这会导致您可能熟悉的几种衰老症状 - 危险疾病、肌肉老化、耐力和力量丧失等 您甚至可能亲身经历过其中一些.


Nutriop 的烟酰胺单核苷酸可补充您的烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸 (NAD+) 水平,从而改善健康、延长寿命、增强大脑功能、细胞再生并减少炎症。 NMN 的一些潜在抗衰老功效包括:


Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 增加皮肤弹性
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 提高骨密度
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 增强肌肉功能
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 皱纹减少
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity DNA修复




科学不会说谎。烟酰胺单核苷酸是真正的游戏规则改变者。 在小鼠实验室测试中,NMN 被发现可以改善视力和听力。

对于人类来说,摄入 NMN 已被确定可以改善胰岛素敏感性和新陈代谢,同时减少血液中的坏胆固醇。

NMN 之所以有效,是因为有大量数据支持的强有力的证据支持其令人难以置信的优势。
在 Nutriop,我们采用了 NMN,并将事情提升了一个档次。我们的补充是:

Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 极高的效力,让您物有所值。
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 仅采用高纯度 NMN 制成 - 告别填充剂、垃圾和令人讨厌的副作用。
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 100% 第三方认证纯度,让您高枕无忧。



我们还没有完成。尖端维生素 B3 衍生物烟酰胺单核苷酸的最佳部分是,与其他补充剂不同, NMN直接进入血液并在15分钟内激活。谈论快速行动!

最近的实验室测试发现了这种神奇化合物的更多好处。 NMN 可以导致:


Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 增强认知表现
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 增强能量
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 改善心脏健康
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 减肥

研究表明,在 12 周的时间内,摄入相当于 25 毫克/公斤的小鼠体内脂肪减少了 9%,而热量摄入却没有减少。


NMN 不仅可以延缓衰老,而且不需要极端改变生活方式。这是一个双赢的局面!


在 Nutriop,我们的指导原则之一是所有人都可以使用。到目前为止,NMN 补充剂的价格昂贵得令人望而却步。

为了帮助每个人体验这种补充剂的神奇效果,我们非常自豪能够以行业标准大约一半的成本提供 NMN,并且在质量和有效性上毫不妥协。




凭借我们的 Extreme Potency NMN,我们保证无论您年龄多大,您都能够感受到最高水平的健康!




人们对我们的纯 NMN 烟酰胺单核苷酸极强效补充剂赞不绝口,但不要仅仅相信我们的话;请单击“评论”选项卡,听听他们的评价。

- NAD+ metabolism and its roles in cellular processes during ageing.

- NAD+ metabolism: pathophysiologic mechanisms and therapeutic potential.

- Long-term administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide mitigates age-associated physiological decline in mice.

- The Science Behind NMN–A Stable, Reliable NAD+Activator and Anti-Aging Molecule.

- Neuroprotective effects and mechanisms of action of nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) in a photoreceptor degenerative model of retinal detachment.

- Long-Term Administration of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Mitigates Age-Associated Physiological Decline in Mice.

- Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation rescues cerebromicrovascular endothelial function and neurovascular coupling responses and improves cognitive function in aged mice.

- Nicotinamide mononucleotide protects against β-amyloid oligomer-induced cognitive impairment and neuronal death.

- Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation enhances aerobic capacity in amateur runners: a randomized, double-blind study.

- Long-Term Administration of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Mitigates Age-Associated Physiological Decline in Mice.

- Nicotinamide mononucleotide increases muscle insulin sensitivity in prediabetic women.

- Subacute Toxicity Study of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide via Oral Administration.

We aim to process your order within 1-3 business days.
Delivery usually takes an additional 3-6 business days, based on your location. 

估计  and

通常会在 1-2 个工作日内发货。


国际运输:通过国际跟踪和签名/UPS/DHL Express 5-10 个工作日。
美国运输:4-8 个工作日由 Fedex/UPS/USPS International 跟踪和签名。
欧盟运输: UPS/DPD/TNT 2-4 个工作日。
英国运输:2 天内通过皇家邮政追踪 48。
瑞士运输:1天内由瑞士邮政PostPac Priority签名。


选择 Nutriop Longevity 作为您的健康盟友的五个不可抗拒的理由:

Premium Quality

坚定不移地为您服务:Nutriop Longevity 的核心是我们对您满意的坚定承诺。不仅仅是对您的购买感到满意?改变主意了吗?没问题!轻松将其退还给我们,我们不仅会全额退款,还会微笑着退还给您。因为您的健康和幸福不仅是我们的首要任务,也是我们的热情。

Premium Quality

每次都轻松退货:使用 Nutriop Longevity,退货非常简单。我们明白有时事情不会顺利。这就是为什么我们让将产品退回 Nutriop Longevity 变得轻而易举。只需获取退货编号,将其寄送到我们专门的退货中心,剩下的就交给我们。快速、高效、绝对无忧——这是我们对您的承诺。

Premium Quality

我们无与伦比的价格保证:在其他地方找到价格更低的相同产品?让我们知道!在 Nutriop Longevity,我们不只是匹配价格 - 我们更进一步。我们将击败任何竞争对手的价格,确保您始终获得最优惠的价格。因为我们相信健康不应该付出高昂的代价。

Premium Quality

100% 满意:我们衷心的承诺:每次在我们这里购买都会给您带来微笑。如果由于任何原因没有实现,我们想听听。您的满意是我们的使命,我们将加倍努力解决任何问题。您的福祉不仅是您的首要任务,也是您的首要任务。这是我们衷心的承诺。

Secure Ordering

安全、私密且无压力的购物:当您在 Nutriop Longevity 购物时,您不仅能保证质量,还能保证隐私和安全。我们严格保护您的个人信息——它们永远不会被共享、出售或出租。享受不仅安全而且尊重您的机密的购物体验。与我们一起购物,感受无忧购买的不同之处。


Nutriop Longevity® Pure-NMN

Your Personal Time Machine in a Bottle

Nutriop Longevity Pure-NMN

Remember when "anti-aging" meant expensive creams and crossed fingers? Well, hang onto your telomeres, because we're about to blast into the future of youth!

Q: What's NMN and why should I care?

A: Picture this: You, but with the energy of your 20-year-old self, the wisdom of your current age, and skin that makes people ask for your ID (again). That's the NMN effect!

NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) is like a love letter to your cells, reminding them how to party like it's 1999.

It boosts NAD+, the cellular equivalent of premium gasoline, which tends to run low as we age.

Q: Sounds magical. But does it work?

A: Does a bear... well, you know. We're not just blowing smoke here. Labs from Tokyo to Timbuktu are buzzing about NMN. It's been shown to:

  • Turbocharge your energy (Goodbye, 3 PM slump! Hello, midnight dance parties!)
  • Sharpen your mind (Sudoku? More like Su-done-ku!)
  • Revitalize your skin (Get ready for "You look like your own daughter!" comments)
  • Boost metabolism (Jeans from college? Game on!)
Q: Cool, but how is Nutriop's NMN different?

A: Glad you asked, smarty-pants! Our NMN is:

  • Potency on steroids: 500mg per capsule. That's like a supernova of youth in every dose!
  • Purer than a unicorn's tears: No fillers, no junk. Just crystalline age-defying magic.
  • Certified legit: Third-party tested, because we're into transparency (unlike your ex).

Plus, we've made it more affordable than a daily latte habit. Because looking young shouldn't cost you your retirement fund!

Q: Alright, I'm intrigued. How fast does this stuff work?

A: Faster than you can say "Where did I put my reading glasses?" NMN kicks in within 15 minutes. That's quicker than:

  • Your pizza delivery
  • Finding the TV remote
  • Convincing yourself to go to the gym
Q: Any side effects? Will I start Benjamin Button-ing?

A: While we can't promise you'll wake up as a baby (thank goodness, those diapers were rough), NMN is generally well-tolerated. But hey, check with your doc if you have concerns. We're supplement geniuses, not medical professionals.

Q: I'm in! How do I get my hands on this fountain of youth?

A: Easy peasy, time traveler! Just hit that "Add to Cart" button below. Choose your supply (Pro tip: Stock up and save. Your future self will high-five you for it!).

Ready to make your birth certificate your most unbelievable document?

Grab your Nutriop Longevity® Pure-NMN today
and let's show Father Time who's boss!

P.S. Still skeptical? Check out our reviews. Spoiler alert: People are loving their "new" younger selves so much, they're considering changing their Tinder age!

Remember: Age is just a number, and with NMN, it's a number you get to negotiate! Let's turn back the clock together!




该化合物是NMN - 烟酰胺单核苷酸。

根据 2011 年的一项研究,多达 45% 的美国民众表示感到疲倦。




随着年龄的增长,我们的烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸 (NAD+) 水平会受到影响。这会导致您可能熟悉的几种衰老症状 - 危险疾病、肌肉老化、耐力和力量丧失等 您甚至可能亲身经历过其中一些.


Nutriop 的烟酰胺单核苷酸可补充您的烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸 (NAD+) 水平,从而改善健康、延长寿命、增强大脑功能、细胞再生并减少炎症。 NMN 的一些潜在抗衰老功效包括:


Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 增加皮肤弹性
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 提高骨密度
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 增强肌肉功能
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 皱纹减少
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity DNA修复




科学不会说谎。烟酰胺单核苷酸是真正的游戏规则改变者。 在小鼠实验室测试中,NMN 被发现可以改善视力和听力。

对于人类来说,摄入 NMN 已被确定可以改善胰岛素敏感性和新陈代谢,同时减少血液中的坏胆固醇。

NMN 之所以有效,是因为有大量数据支持的强有力的证据支持其令人难以置信的优势。
在 Nutriop,我们采用了 NMN,并将事情提升了一个档次。我们的补充是:

Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 极高的效力,让您物有所值。
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 仅采用高纯度 NMN 制成 - 告别填充剂、垃圾和令人讨厌的副作用。
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 100% 第三方认证纯度,让您高枕无忧。



我们还没有完成。尖端维生素 B3 衍生物烟酰胺单核苷酸的最佳部分是,与其他补充剂不同, NMN直接进入血液并在15分钟内激活。谈论快速行动!

最近的实验室测试发现了这种神奇化合物的更多好处。 NMN 可以导致:


Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 增强认知表现
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 增强能量
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 改善心脏健康
Pure-NMN-Benefits_Nutriop_longevity 减肥

研究表明,在 12 周的时间内,摄入相当于 25 毫克/公斤的小鼠体内脂肪减少了 9%,而热量摄入却没有减少。


NMN 不仅可以延缓衰老,而且不需要极端改变生活方式。这是一个双赢的局面!


在 Nutriop,我们的指导原则之一是所有人都可以使用。到目前为止,NMN 补充剂的价格昂贵得令人望而却步。

为了帮助每个人体验这种补充剂的神奇效果,我们非常自豪能够以行业标准大约一半的成本提供 NMN,并且在质量和有效性上毫不妥协。




凭借我们的 Extreme Potency NMN,我们保证无论您年龄多大,您都能够感受到最高水平的健康!




人们对我们的纯 NMN 烟酰胺单核苷酸极强效补充剂赞不绝口,但不要仅仅相信我们的话;请单击“评论”选项卡,听听他们的评价。

- NAD+ metabolism and its roles in cellular processes during ageing.

- NAD+ metabolism: pathophysiologic mechanisms and therapeutic potential.

- Long-term administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide mitigates age-associated physiological decline in mice.

- The Science Behind NMN–A Stable, Reliable NAD+Activator and Anti-Aging Molecule.

- Neuroprotective effects and mechanisms of action of nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) in a photoreceptor degenerative model of retinal detachment.

- Long-Term Administration of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Mitigates Age-Associated Physiological Decline in Mice.

- Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation rescues cerebromicrovascular endothelial function and neurovascular coupling responses and improves cognitive function in aged mice.

- Nicotinamide mononucleotide protects against β-amyloid oligomer-induced cognitive impairment and neuronal death.

- Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation enhances aerobic capacity in amateur runners: a randomized, double-blind study.

- Long-Term Administration of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Mitigates Age-Associated Physiological Decline in Mice.

- Nicotinamide mononucleotide increases muscle insulin sensitivity in prediabetic women.

- Subacute Toxicity Study of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide via Oral Administration.

We aim to process your order within 1-3 business days.
Delivery usually takes an additional 3-6 business days, based on your location. 

估计  and

通常会在 1-2 个工作日内发货。


国际运输:通过国际跟踪和签名/UPS/DHL Express 5-10 个工作日。
美国运输:4-8 个工作日由 Fedex/UPS/USPS International 跟踪和签名。
欧盟运输: UPS/DPD/TNT 2-4 个工作日。
英国运输:2 天内通过皇家邮政追踪 48。
瑞士运输:1天内由瑞士邮政PostPac Priority签名。


选择 Nutriop Longevity 作为您的健康盟友的五个不可抗拒的理由:

Premium Quality

坚定不移地为您服务:Nutriop Longevity 的核心是我们对您满意的坚定承诺。不仅仅是对您的购买感到满意?改变主意了吗?没问题!轻松将其退还给我们,我们不仅会全额退款,还会微笑着退还给您。因为您的健康和幸福不仅是我们的首要任务,也是我们的热情。

Premium Quality

每次都轻松退货:使用 Nutriop Longevity,退货非常简单。我们明白有时事情不会顺利。这就是为什么我们让将产品退回 Nutriop Longevity 变得轻而易举。只需获取退货编号,将其寄送到我们专门的退货中心,剩下的就交给我们。快速、高效、绝对无忧——这是我们对您的承诺。

Premium Quality

我们无与伦比的价格保证:在其他地方找到价格更低的相同产品?让我们知道!在 Nutriop Longevity,我们不只是匹配价格 - 我们更进一步。我们将击败任何竞争对手的价格,确保您始终获得最优惠的价格。因为我们相信健康不应该付出高昂的代价。

Premium Quality

100% 满意:我们衷心的承诺:每次在我们这里购买都会给您带来微笑。如果由于任何原因没有实现,我们想听听。您的满意是我们的使命,我们将加倍努力解决任何问题。您的福祉不仅是您的首要任务,也是您的首要任务。这是我们衷心的承诺。

Secure Ordering

安全、私密且无压力的购物:当您在 Nutriop Longevity 购物时,您不仅能保证质量,还能保证隐私和安全。我们严格保护您的个人信息——它们永远不会被共享、出售或出租。享受不仅安全而且尊重您的机密的购物体验。与我们一起购物,感受无忧购买的不同之处。

Nutriop Longevity® Pure-NMN

Your Personal Time Machine in a Bottle

Nutriop Longevity Pure-NMN

Remember when "anti-aging" meant expensive creams and crossed fingers? Well, hang onto your telomeres, because we're about to blast into the future of youth!

Q: What's NMN and why should I care?

A: Picture this: You, but with the energy of your 20-year-old self, the wisdom of your current age, and skin that makes people ask for your ID (again). That's the NMN effect!

NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) is like a love letter to your cells, reminding them how to party like it's 1999.

It boosts NAD+, the cellular equivalent of premium gasoline, which tends to run low as we age.

Q: Sounds magical. But does it work?

A: Does a bear... well, you know. We're not just blowing smoke here. Labs from Tokyo to Timbuktu are buzzing about NMN. It's been shown to:

  • Turbocharge your energy (Goodbye, 3 PM slump! Hello, midnight dance parties!)
  • Sharpen your mind (Sudoku? More like Su-done-ku!)
  • Revitalize your skin (Get ready for "You look like your own daughter!" comments)
  • Boost metabolism (Jeans from college? Game on!)
Q: Cool, but how is Nutriop's NMN different?

A: Glad you asked, smarty-pants! Our NMN is:

  • Potency on steroids: 500mg per capsule. That's like a supernova of youth in every dose!
  • Purer than a unicorn's tears: No fillers, no junk. Just crystalline age-defying magic.
  • Certified legit: Third-party tested, because we're into transparency (unlike your ex).

Plus, we've made it more affordable than a daily latte habit. Because looking young shouldn't cost you your retirement fund!

Q: Alright, I'm intrigued. How fast does this stuff work?

A: Faster than you can say "Where did I put my reading glasses?" NMN kicks in within 15 minutes. That's quicker than:

  • Your pizza delivery
  • Finding the TV remote
  • Convincing yourself to go to the gym
Q: Any side effects? Will I start Benjamin Button-ing?

A: While we can't promise you'll wake up as a baby (thank goodness, those diapers were rough), NMN is generally well-tolerated. But hey, check with your doc if you have concerns. We're supplement geniuses, not medical professionals.

Q: I'm in! How do I get my hands on this fountain of youth?

A: Easy peasy, time traveler! Just hit that "Add to Cart" button below. Choose your supply (Pro tip: Stock up and save. Your future self will high-five you for it!).

Ready to make your birth certificate your most unbelievable document?

Grab your Nutriop Longevity® Pure-NMN today
and let's show Father Time who's boss!

P.S. Still skeptical? Check out our reviews. Spoiler alert: People are loving their "new" younger selves so much, they're considering changing their Tinder age!

Remember: Age is just a number, and with NMN, it's a number you get to negotiate! Let's turn back the clock together!
Nutriop Longevity® Pure-NMN 烟酰胺单核苷酸极效 500 毫克胶囊 (x60) - 30 克 has a rating of 5 stars based on 6 reviews.

Nutriop Longevity® Pure-NMN 烟酰胺单核苷酸极效 500 毫克胶囊 (x60) - 30 克

€ 89.00 € 97.00

Customer Reviews

Based on 97 reviews
Michael Crye
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Improvements: Freight.

FedEx dropped my packed at a TNT Warehouse some 60km from where I live. 120km round trip to go pick my parcel up after it took us 3 days to track the thing down. Super pissed at FedEx.

Jaroslav Vašíček
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Improvements: Please reach out to us, because we never got the shipment. Thank you!
Nutriop Longevity - never got the item

Hello, I have ordered Nutriop Longevity® Pure-NMN Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Extreme Potency 500mg Capsules (x60) - 30 Grams! and I never got the item.

Shlomo Kakun
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Likes: Your service
Improvements: I can’t find something that you need to improve
Great service

I am very pleased with your service

NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)

I see positive results.

Ross Oliver
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Likes: Prompt delivery
Improvements: Price

Nutriop Longevity® Pure-NMN Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Extreme Potency 500mg Capsules (x60) - 30 Grams


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