Nutriop Longevity Blog

How Much Sleep Is Exactly The Right Amount? New Research Pinpoints The Exact Number Of Hours
Ah, sleep! When you get the right amount of it, you feel great. But if you don’t sleep too well for a night or two, or worse, lose a night of sleep entirely, you can barely function. You, like all other human beings, have had a lifetime of personal experience...

Sleep, Aging, And Your Brain - What You Must Know
You’ve likely heard the old saying advising people to get their "beauty sleep". Turns out, that similar to many other folk sayings, there is more wisdom in those words than one would imagine. Getting the right amount of sleep is critical, not only for your health but for optimal cognitive...

The Longevity Gene (SIRT1), NAD+ and Cellular Metabolism: What You Should Know
As you age, the level of NAD+ (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) in your body naturally declines. Because NAD+ is essential for optimal cellular functioning and repair, this decline contributes to many of the often distressing changes you are likely to experience as you grow older, such as a decrease in cognitive...

The newest findings on NAD+, the Circadian Rhythm, and Anti-aging
While the role of the circadian rhythm and the anti-aging benefits of NAD+ are already well-known a new ground-breaking study , published just a week ago, provides new insights into:[i] - To what extent NAD+ can alter gene expression of the circadian rhythm.- How NAD+, with the help of...