Nutriop Longevity Blog - NMN, NAD Boosters, Healthy Aging Tips


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Nutriop Longevity Blog

Epigenetic Age Acceleration and Its Link to Healthy Longevity in Older Women

Epigenetic Age Acceleration and Its Link to Healthy Longevity in Older Women

By Max Cerquetti April 07, 2023 | Alzheimer's Alzheimer’s disease anti-aging biological clocks Cellular Senescence chronological age cognition cognitive function Cognitive Health DNA methylation eAge epigenetic age epigenetic alterations Epigenetic Clock epigenetische Alter Epigenetische Uhr gene expression Genexpression genomic instability genomics hallmarks of aging healthy aging heart health Horvath clock Human longevity Kognitive Gesundheit live longer mental health metabolic health Zelluläre Seneszenz

IntroductionAs the world's population ages, understanding the factors that contribute to healthy aging becomes increasingly important. One area of research that has garnered attention is the study of epigenetic age acceleration (EAA). EAA refers to the difference between a person's biological age, as measured by specific changes in their DNA,...

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Spermidine-Induced Autophagy: Unlocking the Secrets to Geroprotection

Spermidine-Induced Autophagy: Unlocking the Secrets to Geroprotection

By Max Cerquetti March 18, 2023 | anti-aging Autophagie autophagy Cellular Senescence fasting gene expression Genexpression genomic instability genomics geroprotection healthy aging Human longevity live longer longevity gene SIRT1 sirtuins Spermidin spermidine wheat germ extract Zelluläre Seneszenz

IntroductionAging is an inevitable part of life, and as we age, our bodies undergo various changes. One such change is the progressive decline in cellular function, leading to a higher risk of age-related diseases. Scientists have been researching ways to promote healthy aging and extend our lifespans, and recent research...

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Unlocking the Potential of NMN: How Animal Research Proves its Ability to Improve Eyesight and Hearing in Age-Related Disease

Unlocking the Potential of NMN: How Animal Research Proves its Ability to Improve Eyesight and Hearing in Age-Related Disease

By Nutriop Longevity January 31, 2023 | anti-aging Cellular Senescence epigenetic age gene expression Genexpression genomic instability hallmarks of aging healthy aging live longer longevity gene loss of resilience NAD+ neuroprotection Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide nmn Oxidative stress SIRT1 sirtuins

As we age, our bodies begin to deteriorate, leading to a variety of age-related diseases. One of the most common conditions that come with aging is cellular aging, which can lead to a decline in eyesight and hearing. Currently, treatments are available to help slow the progression of these conditions,...

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Spermidine And Its Effects On Human Health And Wellbeing

Spermidine And Its Effects On Human Health And Wellbeing

By Max Cerquetti February 20, 2022 | Autophagie autophagy Cellular Senescence Cognitive Health epigenetic age Epigenetic Clock epigenetische Alter Epigenetische Uhr gene expression Genexpression gesundes Altern healthy aging heart health Herz Gesundheit Human longevity Kognitive Gesundheit Menschliche Langlebigkeit metabolic health Spermidin spermidine Stoffwechselgesundheit Weizenkeimextrakt wheat germ extract Zelluläre Seneszenz

In 1677, Antony Van Leeuwenhoek, a modestly educated Dutchman who was an unassuming textile business owner, peered through the carefully crafted high-power lens of his microscope and made a startling discovery. Endlessly curious, Leeuwenhoek had already made a number of ground-breaking discoveries using his self-crafted lenses, including the existence of...

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