Nutriop Longevity Blog
Biológiai időzített bombák: Miért számítanak többet a 40-es és 60-as éveid, mint gondolnád
01: A fokozatos öregedés mítosza A rejtett meglepetések öregedési utunk során Néztél már valaha régi fényképeket, és azon tűnődtél, "Mikor kezdtem el idősebbnek kinézni?" Vagy talán észrevettél egy idősebb rokont, aki egyik évben még jól volt, a következő évben pedig észrevehetően megöregedett. Gyakran úgy gondoljuk, hogy az öregedés lassú, folyamatos...
Unlocking the Potential of NMN: How Animal Research Proves its Ability to Improve Eyesight and Hearing in Age-Related Disease
As we age, our bodies begin to deteriorate, leading to a variety of age-related diseases. One of the most common conditions that come with aging is cellular aging, which can lead to a decline in eyesight and hearing. Currently, treatments are available to help slow the progression of these conditions,...
Unlocking the Potential of NMN: The Key to NAD+
Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is a molecule that has gained a lot of well-deserved attention in recent years as a potential anti-aging supplement, both in the scientific community as well as among the general public. This is because NMN has been shown to activate another molecule already present in your body,...
Cellular Senescence And Aging - What You Can Do
Many people are somewhat familiar with the word “senescence” and equate the term as being synonymous with aging. After all, the root of the word is “sen-” meaning old and is also the root of the word “senile” which of course means characteristic of old age.But when biologists speak about...
NAD Supplementation And Cognitive Health - Prevention And Restoration
Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD), a powerful natural compound found in every cell of the human body, serves as a critical coenzyme which powers vital biochemical reactions and is essential for optimal cellular functioning and repair. Like so many other bodily compounds, NAD levels decline as you age and this decline...