Nutriop Longevity Blog - NMN, NAD Boosters, Healthy Aging Tips
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Quercetin: The Secret Weapon Against Age-Related Diseases

Quercetin: The Secret Weapon Against Age-Related Diseases

By Massimo Cerquetti červen 04, 2023 | Age-Related Diseases Anti-Aging Research Antioxidants Cancer Diabetes Dietary Supplements Health and Longevity healthy aging Inflammation Natural Supplements Neurodegenerative Disorders Nutriop Longevity® Resveratrol PLUS Plant Metabolites Quercetin Wellness

Quercetin: A Natural Powerhouse   Quercetin, a plant secondary metabolite, is a naturally occurring compound found in various parts of plants. It forms a basic constituent in the human diet, and its presence in our meals is often unnoticed. This compound is known for its antioxidant properties and plays a...

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Ergothioneine: A Promising Biomarker Linking Health-Conscious Food Patterns to Reduced Cardiometabolic Disease Risk and Mortality

Ergothioneine: A Promising Biomarker Linking Health-Conscious Food Patterns to Reduced Cardiometabolic Disease Risk and Mortality

By Max Cerquetti březen 27, 2023 | blood sugar regulator Cellular Senescence cognition Cognitive Health Diabetes Ergothioneine gene expression hallmarks of aging healthy aging heart health Human longevity Kognitive Gesundheit L-Ergothioneine live longer mental health mild cognitive impairment neuroprotection Zelluläre Seneszenz

This article discusses a population-based prospective study that aimed to identify plasma metabolites associated with a health-conscious food pattern (HCFP) and a lower risk of cardiometabolic morbidity and mortality during a long-term follow-up. The study found that increased levels of the amino acid ergothioneine were strongly and independently associated with both...

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The Role of Ergothioneine in Aging-Related Diseases: A Closer Look at Its Potential Benefits

The Role of Ergothioneine in Aging-Related Diseases: A Closer Look at Its Potential Benefits

By Max Cerquetti březen 24, 2023 | Alzheimer's Alzheimer’s disease anti-aging blood sugar regulator Cellular Senescence cognition cognitive function Cognitive Health Diabetes Ergothioneine genomic instability genomics gluconeogenesis glucose metabolism healthy aging heart health Human longevity immune system Kognitive Gesundheit L-Ergothioneine Lion's Mane matsutake mental health mild cognitive impairment neuroprotection Zelluläre Seneszenz

IntroductionAging is a complex process that affects various aspects of our health, making us more susceptible to certain diseases and conditions. Researchers have been studying the role of antioxidants and other compounds in combating the negative effects of aging. One such compound, ergothioneine (ERG), has recently gained attention for its...

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Unlocking the Potential of NMN: The Key to NAD+

Unlocking the Potential of NMN: The Key to NAD+

By Nutriop Longevity leden 19, 2023 | anti-aging apoptosis ATP Autophagie autophagy blood sugar regulator Cellular Senescence Cognitive Health Diabetes DNA methylation epigenetic alterations genomic instability glucose metabolism hallmarks of aging healthy aging heart health Human longevity intercellular communication Kognitive Gesundheit Krebs cycle live longer longevity gene mental health metabolic health NAD+ nadh neuroprotection Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide nmn Oxidative stress SIRT1 sirtuins Zelluläre Seneszenz

Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is a molecule that has gained a lot of well-deserved attention in recent years as a potential anti-aging supplement, both in the scientific community as well as among the general public. This is because NMN has been shown to activate another molecule already present in your body,...

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Je jóga klíčem ke stárnutí s grácií?

Je jóga klíčem ke stárnutí s grácií?

By Max Cerquetti listopad 22, 2021 | anti-aging Cognitive Health Diabetes healthy aging heart health live longer metabolic health yoga

Říká se tomu náboženství, praxe a nejstarší forma cvičení na světě. Nyní je akademicky studována pro její schopnosti proti stárnutí.Starověká disciplína jógy, která se praktikovala již v roce 3300 př. n. l., se znovu zaměřuje na výzkum, když vědci hledají klíč k půvabnému stárnutí. Podle nedávné studie v časopise Advances...

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Jak berberin bojuje proti oxidačnímu stresu, zánětu a cukrovce

Jak berberin bojuje proti oxidačnímu stresu, zánětu a cukrovce

By Max Cerquetti duben 22, 2021 | AMP-activated protein kinase AMPK anti-aging Berberine Black Pepper Extract blood sugar regulator coptis chinensis Diabetes

Berberin je přírodní botanická sloučenina, která se nachází v řadě rostlin, včetně oregonské révy, Phellodendronu, vlaštovičníku většího, evropského dřišťálu, zlatobýlu a zlatonky čínské. Tato sloučenina, která patří do kategorie alkaloidů, má dlouhé a vysoce uznávané použití v tradiční čínské i indické ajurvédské medicíně jako prostředek proti průjmu a infekci a...

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Buněčné stárnutí a stárnutí – co můžete dělat

Buněčné stárnutí a stárnutí – co můžete dělat

By Max Cerquetti březen 04, 2021 | anti-aging apoptosis Cellular Senescence Diabetes NAD+ Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide nmn Oxidative stress P16ink4a SASP

Mnoho lidí zná slovo „senescence“ a přirovnávají tento termín k synonymu stárnutí. Koneckonců, kořen slova je „sen-“, což znamená starý, a je také kořenem slova „senilní“, což samozřejmě znamená charakteristický pro stáří.Když ale biologové mluví o stárnutí buněk, neznamenají přesně stárnutí tak, jak si lidé o tomto procesu obvykle myslí....

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